Fédération Internationale de Camping, Caravanning et Autocaravaning F.I.C.C.
Protecting the interests of campers and caravanners at international level, the F.I.C.C. constantly promotes this growing form of tourism. It helps affiliated Federations and Clubs as well as campers who hold the International Camping Card issued by the F.I.C.C.: International classification of campsites, I.S.O. and C.E.N. standardization of equipment, hygiene and safety, finding solutions to problems and putting them into practice, making campers aware of environmental protection and the need to respect cultural heritage are ongoing concerns of the F.I.C.C.
When it was founded in 1933, the F.I.C.C. comprised 16 Clubs from 7 countries. Today it numbers 56 Federations and Clubs from 32countries: a unique force which, through its technical Committees, represents protects and promotes camping at national and international level.
Rue Belliard Brussels
Fecha de creación: 1933
Miembro desde: 2016
Tipo de Organización: Asociación
Segmento: Jóvenes , Seniors , Discapacitados , Familias , Turismo sostenible